Stream counseling, self-esteem
Health + Wellness

February is International Boost Your Self-Esteem Month

Best the winter blues and boost your self-esteem during February for International Boost Your Self Esteem Month!
Self-esteem is what a person thinks of themselves internally. With the fast-paced society that we live in, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and run down. However, no matter what life brings your way, it is important to find the positive in everything you do. It is also important to acknowledge and accept your strengths and weaknesses. Here are some tips to help you build your self-esteem:

  • Set Realistic Goals. When you set realistic expectations, you can stop belittling yourself for not meeting some idealistic goal.
  • Acknowledge Your Accomplishments. A simple and easy way to do this is to have a “To Do” list. Even tasks as simple as “washing dishes” or “folding clothes” seem more like accomplishments when you can cross them off of a list as completed.
  • Pay A Compliment. By looking for the best in others, you will indirectly bring out the best in your self. Don’t get caught up in gossip, as it usually turns into negative conversation.
  • Work Out. If you feel out of shape, then you are going to feel more insecure, unattractive and less energetic. By having a regular workout routine, you will improve your appearance, become more energetic and feel like you are accomplishing something positive.
  • Socialize. Get out of the house and set up a lunch date with a friend. socializing with others will give you opportunities to connect with other people, and practice your communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Do Something that Scares You. As with all skills, we get better with practice and repetition. The more often we proactively do things that scare us, the less scary these situations will seem, and eventually will be rid of that fear.

Take advantage of the time that the winter season gives you to reflect on your goals and accomplishments! Make your “To Do” list and get started! I hope the month of February reminds you to stay positive and build confidence.

If you need additional help, contact Hidden Stream Counseling at 919-307-3805.

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