Women experience heart attacks very differently from men. The crushing chest pain with pain shooting down an arm and shortness of breath that we often see as portraying a heart attack is not what most women experience. Because of this many women overlook the symptoms they are feeling until it is too late. So what …
Can Hormone Replacement Therapy Help Hair Grow and Increase Energy?
Are you experiencing hair loss or feeling overly fatigued? These are indications that you may be suffering from a hormonal imbalance. Can Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) help your hair grow and increase energy? Studies completed on HRT suggest that it can be somewhat effective for both issues. As we get older, decreasing hormone levels are …
Why You Need To Have A Plan In Place To Jumpstart Your Health
We have many choices to make in life. One of the most crucial choices is getting and staying healthy. Making time to eat well and exercise can be a challenge. To fulfill your fitness goals, it’s best to make a plan and stick with it. Getting professionals involved can help develop the best strategy to …
Why Has Your Back Been Hurting So Much Lately? Could a Chiropractor Help?
Back pain – it’s something we all dread. Persistent back pain can detract from the joy in your life and stop you from doing the things that you love, like exercising, being with friends, and pursuing physically demanding sports or hobbies. As the nation’s largest network of chiropractic care centers, we understand. Why Does My …
5 Top Rules To A Bikini Body
There are many fad diets and “supplements” that promise quick results on your journey towards rocking that bikini. It would help if you remembered that there is no magic formula. All you need is to form a habit, have the passion, and be dedicated. Eat Fruits and Vegetables You need to eat seven to nine …