Health&Beauty anti aging nutrition

Nutrition is extremely important to maintain a healthy body for the duration of our lives, but it becomes even more essential as we age. Many of the poor foods we were able to digest as young people become problematic the older we get. Also, the need to keep our immune system strong and our health balanced becomes more necessary as we become more vulnerable to disease the older we get. Anti aging nutrition is a process of getting the foods we need to stay healthy as we age.

Anti aging nutrition is really about a total healthy lifestyle. Certain supplements and foods help to reduce stress; as does exercise. Stress creates free radicals, which attack the body and sets the stage for disease development. Weight control, as well as drinking plenty of clean, pure water everyday are also essential to overall health.

Nutrition and Aging

Aging is a natural process that cannot be avoided, but can certainly be slowed. As the body ages, it becomes more and more difficult for it to absorb certain nutrients from food. Thus, it is ever more important to eat nutrient rich foods. In the younger years, good nutrition creates optimum conditions for the body to grow, and the benefits of a nutritious diet fed to children will last throughout their lives in their ability to combat disease. There is never a time of life when good nutrition does not matter.

Foods for Anti Aging Nutrition

Part of the problem with the so-called Standard American Diet is that much of the food is acidic in nature. Coffee, soft drinks, sugar, added flavor, preserved meat and artificial sweeteners are more prevalent in the diet today they are almost unavoidable. However, these foods create high levels of acid in the body, and must be balanced with more alkaline fare. Green, leafy vegetables, like sprouts, cabbage and parsley, all produce alkali. Raw nuts, whole grains, spinach, broccoli, tomatoes, berries, oranges and other citrus fruits, apples, lettuce, and onions are all beneficial foods for anti aging nutrition.

Supplements for Anti Aging Nutrition

Omega 3 fatty acids, often added to foods, are a necessary part of any diet. Flaxseed oil especially from raw flaxseed ground up in a coffee grinder, is an excellent part of any diet. The family of B vitamins is an important stress reducer; and should be taken daily. Garlic supplements, or raw garlic, is a powerful immune system booster that will help prevent sickness that can interfere with absorption of nutrients from food. A daily multi-vitamin is also important for anti aging nutrition.

Anti aging nutrition should be called ‘whole life nutrition,’ since there is never a time in life when good nutrition does not matter. A nutrient rich diet will create more energy in the body, as toxins are released and digestion improves. Proper weight levels will also be achieved, and make it easier to exercise which in turn reduces stress, which in turn makes it easier to absorb nutrients from the food. It is a complete, holistic cycle. Anti aging nutrition is an important step in feeling great everyday and avoiding disease and other effects of aging.